Staff put their best foot forward in 10k run

A photo of staff members that took part in the 10k run

Pictured - Brian Head, Clare Worrell, Serena Sharma, Elinor Oultram-Turner

12 Walsingham staff have swapped their office wear for running shoes by taking part in Sundays Vitality British 10k London run.

The runners managed to raise over £2000 surpassing their original target set of £1,000.

Brian Head, Director of Finance at Walsingham Support, said: 

“It was a fantastic experience, showing off London, and the British people, at their best. A truly memorable day”.

The runners were in for a bit of luck as good weather helped boost morale as the race began. Runners from all over the country took part and our Walsingham lot kept up with the best of them. “It was one big laugh” said HR manager Clare Worrell, “we have all been training pretty hard for this day, and we just went out there and did our very best”.

A massive thank you has to go out to Arthur J Gallagher for funding our runner’s entry into this year’s race, and well done guys you all deserve a well earned rest!